Rural land registration – The Côte d’Ivoire Land Partnership (CLAP)
CLAP consists of founding industry leaders The Hershey Company, Unilever, Barry Callebaut, and Cocoa Horizons Foundation, joining forces with other industry members ETG-Beyond Beans Foundation, Ferrero, Cargill and ECOM. It is endorsed by AFOR (Agence Foncière Rurale) and managed by Meridia, who executes this project with Audace Institut Afrique, Expert Surveyor CITRAT and CETIF, in partnership with the German Cooperation, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). CLAP is also financed by the German Cocoa and Chocolate Foundation and the Fund for Responsible Business (FVO) as part of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and in commission of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.